Rufus, the coati in full size and full gear.



pics by Th. Schramm

Grocer Crapshaw could not ask for a better assistant – witty and quick (and very cuddly),
Rufus climbs the shop´s ceiling-high displays full with goodies and loads up his Rucksack
to deliver the eagerly awaited groceries to be handed to the customer.
With his fantastic nose, he immediately spots not-so-fresh-anymore greeneries and dispose of them
with his no-nonsense-attitude: gulp. Don´t let Crapshaw have too many fills himself, he´s getting too fat ;-).
P.S: New visitors of this blog please view older posts in category creatures and characters to meet Crapshaw and Rufus.

Done. Waterfairy Ira.


(pic by Th. Schramm)


???????????????????????????????  ???????????????????????????????

Those of you who have seen the older post about the waterfairy might remember my plans to build a whole body sculpture…here it is: this is waterfairy Ira, who is a very kind soul and tends to have quite a philosophic view on life…his job sure is not that intersting, floating around the pond, breathing water in, breathing water out, contemplating

…so if he hears someone approaching the pond, you can be sure that he will stick his head out to have a thorough chat.

As I do not want him to be too lonely, I will create him a companion, Moira. At this moment. I don´t know for sure how they reproduce, but I will figure out and let you know 😉

??????????????????????????????? with his lashes up,

??????????????????????????????? with his lashes down.

???????????????????????????????  This is how his hands look like, he sure can give you a squashy handshake.

I´m not an Ent, I´m a Woody! The great awakening. Woody erwacht!



With a huuge yawn and stretch, Woody awakes from his reset-mode, shakes off all the moss and lichen, the roots zip up, his little sidepockets form, and he is ready to face his pupils and students again…rested and happy. (pic 1 by Th. Schramm)

The Woody lifecycle:





(pics by Th. Schramm)

work-in-progress: waterdragon and Woody-in-reset-mode

Ein weiterer Wasserbewohner ensteht, ein freundlicher Wasserdrache, der den Fischverkehr im Dorfteich gewissenhaft regelt.
Another watercreature in the making, a friendly waterdragon who looks after the traffic in the pond.


Und einer der Lehrer Woody in einer Regenerationsphase.
And one of the teacher-creatures Woody in a well-earned reset-mode in a quiet, shady garden. What a bliss.