Tiny desk for a nerdy faun and a glimpse into an artist´s studio….

Hiya, how are you, dear readers?
Here is the covenient writer´s desk of George, the “nerdy” one of the two brothers who founded Faunia.

It has a hinged lid – and I surely would not mind to have such a practical and nice piece of furniture in my studio as well;-)

By the way –  it´s the first furniture-prop I made from wood,  and the tiny book is another “first time try” – I had a great time making those two pieces 😉




And this is my “working” space where all my ideas come to life.
Dull, eh ? 😉
Right there in the middle on my desk you can see a greyish blob – that´s a new piece of work-in-progress of my ongoing “Scottish Sculpture Series” –  a grim Scotsman (Dougal McKenzie of the fantastic Outlander-World) with his brave deerhound (any idea for a really nice Scottish dog name?? Hamish? Graeme?). Do I have any Scottish followers with some inspiration in that regard???
That piece of work will be named “Hunting Stag”. And yes – of course I will return to Faunia, but my heart&mind are still stuck in Scotland and enjoy my “holidays” there tremendously.
