wip 2: mixed media painting progress

So this is how it looks like at present…I added a bit of glam. No way to take a proper picture though…

Feels almost finished, but not quite. Might turn it around completely…


Have a good week, dear readers 😉


Work-in-(slow)-Progress: some mixed media paintings

So, even though I am enjoying the “Golden October” with many walks and photography, I also have some mixed media artwork in the making…slow progress with many stopps in between, but still… Here´s how the two pieces look at present. I like both of them with their structures and colors and hope to get on with them a bit faster and easier, but experience shows: you cannot force such things…ah, well.

#1: working title “Treasure Chest”

# 2: working title “Blue Islands”



Autumnal wolf-walkies: nice views and crisp weather


here again some new pictures from my recent walkies which were just wonderful – I enjoy the autumnal colors of nature, the crisp fresh air and the wildlife sightings along the way. Accompanied with one of the three adorable Alaskans, I cannot wish for better saturday mornings. 2 hours of steady and quick walking – obviously with some photo stops (and some cuddles) – and the weekend can start.

Space Jungle – another mixedmedia piece done

G´day to you, dear readers, I hope you are well.

This mixed media work is finally finished. I enjoyed working on it, it is a bit different from the stuff I usually do or think about doing, and therefore I am even more content about the outcome. Sticking to same old (working/painting)-routine is something I dislike, from time to time there has to be a challenge, something new to wrap your mind around – the process can be tricky but usually rewarding as such.

Have a nice evening!


One done: Mixed media work “color puzzle” finished

G´day to you, dear readers!

So this piece is finally finished. I had to restrain myself because one could actually go on and on and on, adding one more colorful scrap of paper and another one as the process is quite hypnotic and really fun.

But it is enough now, and I am content with the result…

…and so is my beloved dog Miles Mulligan III 😉

Have a nice week with lots of sunshine.

Mixed media endeavours – one finished, one in progress

Hello dear readers,

as predicted, my latest mixed media collage did not take long to finish. I added some (pieces) of leaves and some more subtle layers of paper and paint. I am quite content with the end result even though the colours suggest autumn rather than the upcoming spring – but I feel, with the fiery lively red, it sure will do.

“fragile” / mixed media collage. 25x25cm



This one, with the working title “space jungle”, is another piece started some time ago, put aside, worked on a bit, put aside and so on… I get back to it in between, add scraps and paint, let it rest …not the easiest painting I worked on so far, we´ll see where it goes. It´s 50x60cm, so quite a bit of “space” to cover.

Snaps transformed part IV

Hi there,

for the moment this is the last part of the “snaps transformed” mini – series. Am still skindeep in my struggle with a 3-headed dragon but will fill the upcoming blog-gap with a last post of botanic beauty soon.

Have a nice day and an awesome upcoming weekend –  sing, dance and be merry 😉

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